Activator Appliances
Activator Appliance
Activator Orthodontic Appliance
Activator Orthodontic Appliances
Activator, Function
Activator, Harvold
Activators, Function
Andresen Appliance
Appliance, Activator
Appliance, Activator Orthodontic
Appliance, Andresen
Appliances, Activator
Appliances, Activator Orthodontic
Function Activator
Function Activators
Harvold Activator
Jasper Jumper
Jumper, Jasper
Orthodontic Appliance, Activator
Orthodontic Appliances, Activator
Loose-fitting removable orthodontic appliances which redirect the pressures of the facial and masticatory muscles onto the teeth and their supporting structures to produce improvements in tooth arrangements and occlusal relations.