Antioxidant Response Elements


Anti Oxidant Response Elements

Anti-Oxidant Response Element

Anti-Oxidant Response Elements

Antioxidant Response Element

Electrophile Response Element

Electrophile Response Elements

Element, Anti-Oxidant Response

Element, Antioxidant Response

Element, Electrophile Response

Elements, Anti-Oxidant Response

Elements, Antioxidant Response

Elements, Electrophile Response

Response Element, Anti-Oxidant

Response Element, Antioxidant

Response Element, Electrophile

Response Elements, Anti-Oxidant

Response Elements, Antioxidant

Response Elements, Electrophile

Nucleotide sequences that are found in the PROMOTER REGIONS of the genes of stress-responsive and cytoprotective proteins, such as those encoding antioxidant and PHASE II DETOXIFICATION enzymes. NF-E2-RELATED FACTOR 2 containing transcription factors bind to these elements during induction of these genes.