Arthroplasty, Subchondral
Arthroplasties, Subchondral
Arthroscopic Subchondral Abrasion
Arthroscopic Subchondral Abrasions
Arthroscopic Subchondral Bone Microfracture
Arthroscopic Subchondral Drilling
Arthroscopic Subchondral Drillings
Arthroscopic Subchondral Microfracture
Arthroscopic Subchondral Microfractures
Subchondral Abrasion, Arthroscopic
Subchondral Abrasions, Arthroscopic
Subchondral Arthroplasties
Subchondral Arthroplasty
Subchondral Drilling, Arthroscopic
Subchondral Drillings, Arthroscopic
Subchondral Microfracture, Arthroscopic
Subchondral Microfractures, Arthroscopic
Surgical techniques used to correct or augment healing of chondral defects in the joints (CARTILAGE, ARTICULAR). These include abrasion, drilling, and microfracture of the subchondral bone to enhance chondral resurfacing via autografts, allografts, or cell transplantation.