Carcinogenicity Tests
Carcinogen Test
Carcinogen Tests
Carcinogenesis Test
Carcinogenesis Tests
Carcinogenic Activity Test
Carcinogenic Activity Tests
Carcinogenic Potency Test
Carcinogenic Potency Tests
Carcinogenicity Test
Potency Test, Carcinogenic
Potency Tests, Carcinogenic
Test, Carcinogen
Test, Carcinogenesis
Test, Carcinogenic Activity
Test, Carcinogenic Potency
Test, Carcinogenicity
Test, Tumorigenicity
Tests, Carcinogen
Tests, Carcinogenesis
Tests, Carcinogenic Activity
Tests, Carcinogenic Potency
Tests, Carcinogenicity
Tests, Tumorigenicity
Tumorigenicity Test
Tumorigenicity Tests
Tests to experimentally measure the tumor-producing/cancer cell-producing potency of an agent by administering the agent (e.g., benzanthracenes) and observing the quantity of tumors or the cell transformation developed over a given period of time. The carcinogenicity value is usually measured as milligrams of agent administered per tumor developed. Though this test differs from the DNA-repair and bacterial microsome MUTAGENICITY TESTS, researchers often attempt to correlate the finding of carcinogenicity values and mutagenicity values.
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