Dyskinesia, Drug-Induced


Drug-Induced Dyskinesia

Drug-Induced Dyskinesias

Dyskinesia, Drug Induced

Dyskinesia, Medication Induced

Dyskinesia, Medication-Induced

Dyskinesias, Drug-Induced

Dyskinesias, Medication-Induced

Medication Induced Dyskinesia

Medication-Induced Dyskinesia

Medication-Induced Dyskinesias

Abnormal movements, including HYPERKINESIS; HYPOKINESIA; TREMOR; and DYSTONIA, associated with the use of certain medications or drugs. Muscles of the face, trunk, neck, and extremities are most commonly affected. Tardive dyskinesia refers to abnormal hyperkinetic movements of the muscles of the face, tongue, and neck associated with the use of neuroleptic agents (see ANTIPSYCHOTIC AGENTS). (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1199)