Graves Disease
Basedow Disease
Basedow's Disease
Basedows Disease
Disease, Basedow
Disease, Basedow's
Disease, Graves
Disease, Graves'
Exophthalmic Goiter
Exophthalmic Goiters
Goiter, Exophthalmic
Goiters, Exophthalmic
Graves' Disease
Hyperthyroidism, Autoimmune
A common form of hyperthyroidism with a diffuse hyperplastic GOITER. It is an autoimmune disorder that produces antibodies against the THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE RECEPTOR. These autoantibodies activate the TSH receptor, thereby stimulating the THYROID GLAND and hypersecretion of THYROID HORMONES. These autoantibodies can also affect the eyes (GRAVES OPHTHALMOPATHY) and the skin (Graves dermopathy).