Interferon-Stimulated Gene Factor 3, gamma Subunit
ISGF3 gamma Subunit
ISGF3G Protein
ISGF3gamma, p48
ISRE Binding Protein p48
ISRE-Binding Protein p48
ISRE-Binding Protein, p48
Interferon Regulatory Factor 9
Interferon Regulatory Factor-9
Interferon Stimulated Gene Factor 3, gamma Subunit
Regulatory Factor-9, Interferon
p48 ISGF3gamma
p48 ISRE Binding Protein
p48 ISRE-Binding Protein
p48, ISRE-Binding Protein
An interferon regulatory factor that recruits STAT1 PROTEIN and STAT2 PROTEIN heterodimers to interferon-stimulated response elements and functions as an immediate-early protein.