Antigen CA 15 3
Antigen CA-15-3
Antigen, CA 15-3
Antigen, CA 15.3
Antigen, CA-15-3
Antigen, CD227
Antigen, Epithelial Membrane
Antigens, CD227
CA 15 3 Antigen
CA 15-3 Antigen
CA 15.3 Antigen
CA-15-3 Antigen
CA-15-3, Antigen
CD227 Antigen
CD227 Antigens
Epithelial Membrane Antigen
Epithelial Mucin, Polymorphic
Membrane Antigen, Epithelial
Muc1 Mucin
Mucin 1
Mucin, Muc1
Mucin, Polymorphic Epithelial
Polymorphic Epithelial Mucin
Carbohydrate antigen elevated in patients with tumors of the breast, ovary, lung, and prostate as well as other disorders. The mucin is expressed normally by most glandular epithelia but shows particularly increased expression in the breast at lactation and in malignancy. It is thus an established serum marker for breast cancer.