Nogo Receptor 1
NgR1 Protein
Nogo 66 Receptor
Nogo-66 Receptor
Protein, NgR1
Protein, RTN4R
RTN4R Protein
Receptor, Nogo-66
Receptor, Reticulon-4
Reticulon 4 Receptor
Reticulon-4 Receptor
A high affinity receptor for myelin-associated inhibitors (MAIs) that include NOGO-A PROTEIN; OLIGODENDROCYTE MYELIN GLYCOPROTEIN; and MYELIN-ASSOCIATED GLYCOPROTEIN. It is expressed primarily by neurons in the brain and OLFACTORY BULBS. During embryonic development, it is expressed in the PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. It localizes to GROWTH CONES and may inhibit neurite outgrowth following SPINAL INJURY.