Olfactory Receptor Neurons
Cell, Olfactory Receptor
Cell, Olfactory Sensory
Cells, Olfactory Receptor
Cells, Olfactory Sensory
Cilia, Olfactory Sensory
Cilias, Olfactory Sensory
Neuron, Olfactory Receptor
Neuron, Olfactory Sensory
Neurons, Olfactory Receptor
Neurons, Olfactory Sensory
Olfactory Receptor Cell
Olfactory Receptor Cells
Olfactory Receptor Neuron
Olfactory Sensory Cell
Olfactory Sensory Cells
Olfactory Sensory Cilia
Olfactory Sensory Cilias
Olfactory Sensory Neuron
Olfactory Sensory Neurons
Receptor Cell, Olfactory
Receptor Cells, Olfactory
Receptor Neuron, Olfactory
Receptor Neurons, Olfactory
Sensory Cell, Olfactory
Sensory Cells, Olfactory
Sensory Cilia, Olfactory
Sensory Cilias, Olfactory
Sensory Neuron, Olfactory
Sensory Neurons, Olfactory
Neurons in the OLFACTORY EPITHELIUM with proteins (RECEPTORS, ODORANT) that bind, and thus detect, odorants. These neurons send their DENDRITES to the surface of the epithelium with the odorant receptors residing in the apical non-motile cilia. Their unmyelinated AXONS synapse in the OLFACTORY BULB of the BRAIN.
See Also