Portasystemic Shunt, Surgical
Portasystemic Shunt
Portasystemic Shunts
Portasystemic Shunts, Surgical
Portosystemic Shunt
Portosystemic Shunt, Surgical
Portosystemic Shunts
Portosystemic Shunts, Surgical
Shunt, Portasystemic
Shunt, Portosystemic
Shunt, Surgical Portasystemic
Shunt, Surgical Portosystemic
Shunts, Portasystemic
Shunts, Portosystemic
Shunts, Surgical Portasystemic
Shunts, Surgical Portosystemic
Surgical Portasystemic Shunt
Surgical Portasystemic Shunts
Surgical Portosystemic Shunt
Surgical Portosystemic Shunts
Surgical venous shunt between the portal and systemic circulation to effect decompression of the portal circulation. It is performed primarily in the treatment of bleeding esophageal varices resulting from portal hypertension. Types of shunt include portacaval, splenorenal, mesocaval, splenocaval, left gastric-caval (coronary-caval), portarenal, umbilicorenal, and umbilicocaval.