Spinal Cord Compression


Compression, Spinal Cord

Compressions, Spinal Cord

Compressive Myelopathy

Conus Medullaris Syndrome

Conus Medullaris Syndromes

Extramedullary Spinal Cord Compression

Myelopathy, Compressive

Spinal Cord Compression, Extramedullary

Spinal Cord Compressions

Syndrome, Conus Medullaris

Syndromes, Conus Medullaris

Acute and chronic conditions characterized by external mechanical compression of the SPINAL CORD due to extramedullary neoplasm; EPIDURAL ABSCESS; SPINAL FRACTURES; bony deformities of the vertebral bodies; and other conditions. Clinical manifestations vary with the anatomic site of the lesion and may include localized pain, weakness, sensory loss, incontinence, and impotence.