Temporal Lobe


Cortex, Temporal

Cortices, Temporal

Fusiform Gyrus

Fusiformi, Gyrus

Fusiformis, Gyrus

Gyrus Fusiformi

Gyrus Fusiformis

Gyrus Temporalis Superior

Gyrus Temporalis Superiors

Gyrus, Fusiform

Gyrus, Lateral Occipito-Temporal

Gyrus, Lateral Occipitotemporal

Gyrus, Occipitotemporal

Gyrus, Superior Temporal

Gyrus, Temporal

Horn, Temporal

Horns, Temporal

Inferior Horn of Lateral Ventricle

Inferior Horn of the Lateral Ventricle

Lateral Occipito Temporal Gyrus

Lateral Occipito-Temporal Gyrus

Lateral Occipitotemporal Gyrus

Lobe, Temporal

Lobes, Temporal

Occipito-Temporal Gyrus, Lateral

Occipitotemporal Gyrus

Occipitotemporal Gyrus, Lateral

Operculum, Temporal

Operculums, Temporal

Planum Polare

Planum Polares

Polare, Planum

Polares, Planum

Region, Temporal

Regions, Temporal

Sulcus, Temporal

Superior Temporal Gyrus

Superior, Gyrus Temporalis

Superiors, Gyrus Temporalis

Temporal Cortex

Temporal Cortices

Temporal Gyrus

Temporal Gyrus, Superior

Temporal Horn

Temporal Horn of the Lateral Ventricle

Temporal Horns

Temporal Lobes

Temporal Operculum

Temporal Operculums

Temporal Region

Temporal Regions

Temporal Sulcus

Temporalis Superior, Gyrus

Temporalis Superiors, Gyrus

Lower lateral part of the cerebral hemisphere responsible for auditory, olfactory, and semantic processing. It is located inferior to the lateral fissure and anterior to the OCCIPITAL LOBE.
