Tibial Neuropathy


Internal Popliteal Neuropathies

Internal Popliteal Neuropathy

Lateral Plantar Neuropathies

Lateral Plantar Neuropathy

Medial Plantar Nerve Disease

Medial Plantar Neuropathies

Medial Plantar Neuropathy

Medial Popliteal Neuropathies

Medial Popliteal Neuropathy

Nerve Disease, Tibial

Nerve Diseases, Tibial

Neuropathies, Internal Popliteal

Neuropathies, Lateral Plantar

Neuropathies, Medial Plantar

Neuropathies, Medial Popliteal

Neuropathies, Posterior Tibial

Neuropathies, Tibial

Neuropathy, Internal Popliteal

Neuropathy, Lateral Plantar

Neuropathy, Medial Plantar

Neuropathy, Medial Popliteal

Neuropathy, Post-Traumatic Tibial

Neuropathy, Posterior Tibial

Neuropathy, Tibial

Plantar Neuropathy, Lateral

Plantar Neuropathy, Medial

Popliteal Neuropathies, Internal

Popliteal Neuropathies, Medial

Popliteal Neuropathy, Internal

Popliteal Neuropathy, Medial

Post-Traumatic Tibial Neuropathies

Post-Traumatic Tibial Neuropathy

Posterior Tibial Nerve Diseases

Posterior Tibial Neuropathies

Posterior Tibial Neuropathy

Tibial Nerve Disease

Tibial Nerve Diseases

Tibial Neuropathies

Tibial Neuropathies, Post-Traumatic

Tibial Neuropathies, Posterior

Tibial Neuropathy, Post Traumatic

Tibial Neuropathy, Post-Traumatic

Tibial Neuropathy, Posterior

Disease of the TIBIAL NERVE (also referred to as the posterior tibial nerve). The most commonly associated condition is the TARSAL TUNNEL SYNDROME. However, LEG INJURIES; ISCHEMIA; and inflammatory conditions (e.g., COLLAGEN DISEASES) may also affect the nerve. Clinical features include PARALYSIS of plantar flexion, ankle inversion and toe flexion as well as loss of sensation over the sole of the foot. (From Joynt, Clinical Neurology, 1995, Ch51, p32)