E-Box Elements


E Box Elements

E Box Motifs

E Box Sequences

E Box Sites

E-Box Element

E-Box Motif

E-Box Motifs

E-Box Sequence

E-Box Sequences

E-Box Site

E-Box Sites

Element, E-Box

Elements, E-Box

Motif, E-Box

Motifs, E-Box

Sequence, E-Box

Sequences, E-Box

Site, E-Box

Sites, E-Box

DNA locations with the consensus sequence CANNTG. ENHANCER ELEMENTS may contain multiple copies of this element. E-boxes play a regulatory role in the control of transcription. They bind with basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) type TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS. Binding specificity is determined by the specific bHLH heterodimer or homodimer combination and by the specific nucleotides at the 3rd and 4th position of the E-box sequence.