Melinis repens
Grass, Natal
Grass, Rose Natal
Melinis repen
Natal Grass
Natal Grass, Rose
Rhynchelytrum repen
Rhynchelytrum repens
Rhynchelytrum roseum
Rhynchelytrum roseums
Rose Natal Grass
Saccharum repen
Saccharum repens
Tricholaena repen
Tricholaena repens
Tricholaena rosea nee
Tricholaena rosea nees
nee, Tricholaena rosea
repen, Melinis
repen, Saccharum
repen, Tricholaena
repens, Rhynchelytrum
rosea nee, Tricholaena
rosea nees, Tricholaena
roseum, Rhynchelytrum
Formerly known as Rhynchelytrum repens, a member of the perennial grass family native to South Africa, widely distributed and known by different common names. It is used as a diabetes cure in folk medicine and actively studied for its hypoglycemic properties.