Oncogene Protein v-cbl
70Z Cbl Protein
70Z-Cbl Protein
70Z-Cbl, Oncogene Protein
Casitas B Lineage Lymphoma Protein
Casitas B-Lineage Lymphoma Protein
Oncogene Protein 70Z Cbl
Oncogene Protein 70Z-Cbl
Oncogene Protein cbl
Oncogene Protein v cbl
Oncogene Protein, cbl
Oncogene Protein, v-cbl
cbl Oncogene Protein
cbl, Oncogene Protein
v cbl Oncogene Protein
v-cbl Oncogene Protein
v-cbl Protein
v-cbl, Oncogene Protein
An oncoprotein from the Cas NS-1 murine retrovirus that induces pre- B-CELL LYMPHOMA and MYELOID LEUKEMIAS. v-cbl protein is a tyrosine-phosphorylated, truncated form of its cellular homologue, PROTO-ONCOGENE PROTEIN C-CBL.